Tuesday 13 August 2013

UFT-/QTP- VVB Script Samples

'1    Print Hello World 
Print "Hello World" 
'2    Find whether given number is a odd number 
Dim oNumber 
If oNumber mod 2 <>0 Then 
    Print "The Number "& oNumber &" is an Odd Number" 
    Print "The Number "& oNumber &" is not an Odd Number" 
End If 
'3    Print odd numbers between given range of numbers 
Dim RangeStart 
Dim RangeEnd 
Dim iCounter 
For iCounter=RangeStart to RangeEnd 
    If iCounter mod 2 <>0 Then 
        Print  oNumber 
    End If 
'4    Find the factorial of a given number 
Dim oNumber 
Dim iCounter 
Dim fValue 
For iCounter=oNumber to 1 step-1 
print  fValue 
'5    Find the factors of a given number 
Dim oNumber 
Dim iCounter 
For iCounter=1 to oNumber/2 
    If oNumber mod iCounter=0 Then 
        print iCounter 
    End If 
print oNumber 
'6    Print prime numbers between given range of numbers 
Dim RangeStart 
Dim RangeEnd 
Dim iCounter 
For iCounter=RangeStart to RangeEnd 
    For iCount=2 to round(iCounter/2) 
            If iCounter mod iCount=0 Then 
                Exit for 
            End If 
    If iCount=round(iCounter/2)+1 or iCounter=1 Then 
            print iCounter 
    End If 
'7    Swap 2 numbers with out a temporary variable 
Dim oNum1 
Dim oNum2 
print oNum1 
print oNum2 
'8    Write a program to Perform specified Arithmetic Operation on two given numbers 
Dim oNum1 
Dim oNum2 
Dim oValue 
Select Case lcase(OperationtoPerform) 
                Case "add" 
                Case "sub" 
                Case "mul" 
                Case "div" 
                                oValue=oNum1/ oNum2 
End Select 
print oValue 
'9    Find the length of a given string 
Dim oStr 
Dim oLength 
print oLength 
'10    Reverse given string 
Dim oStr 
Dim oLength 
Dim oChar 
Dim iCounter 
For iCounter=oLength to 1 step-1 
print oChar 
'11    Find how many alpha characters present in a string. 
Dim oStr 
Dim oLength 
Dim oChar 
Dim iCounter 
For iCounter=1 to oLength 
    If not isnumeric (mid(oStr,iCounter,1)) then 
    End if 
print oAlphacounter 
'12    Find occurrences of a specific character in a string 
Dim oStr 
Dim oArray 
Dim ochr 
print ubound(oArray) 
'13    Replace space with tab in between the words of a string. 
Dim oStr 
Dim fStr 
oStr="Quick Test Professional" 
fStr=replace(oStr," ",vbtab) 
print fStr 
'14    Write a program to return ASCII value of a given character 
Dim ochr 
Dim aVal 
print aVal 
'15    Write a program to return character corresponding to the given ASCII value 
Dim ochr 
Dim aVal 
print oChr 
'16    Convert string to Upper Case 
Dim oStr 
Dim uStr 
oStr="QuickTest Professional" 
print uStr 
'17    Convert string to lower case 
Dim oStr 
Dim lStr 
oStr="QuickTest Professional" 
print lStr 
'18    Write a program to Replace a word in a string with another word 
Dim oStr 
Dim oWord1 
Dim oWord2 
Dim fStr 
oStr="Mercury Quick Test Professional" 
print fStr 
'19    Check whether the string is a POLYNDROM 
Dim oStr 
If oStr=fStr Then 
    Print "The Given String "&oStr&" is a Palindrome" 
    Print "The Given String "&oStr&" is not a Palindrome" 
End If 
'20    Verify whether given two strings are equal 
Dim oStr1 
Dim ostr2 
If  oStr1=oStr2 Then 
        Print "The Given Strings are Equal" 
        Print "The Given Strings are not Equal" 
End If 
'21    Print all values from an Array 
Dim oArray 
Dim oCounter 
For oCounter=lbound(oArray) to ubound(oArray) 
    print oArray(oCounter) 
'22    Sort Array elements 
Dim oArray 
Dim oCounter1 
Dim oCounter2 
Dim tmp 
For oCounter1=lbound(oArray) to ubound(oArray) 
        For oCounter2=lbound(oArray) to ubound(oArray)-1 
                    If oArray(oCounter2)>oArray(oCounter2+1) Then 
                    End If 
For oCounter1=lbound(oArray) to ubound(oArray) 
    print oArray(oCounter1) 
'23    Add two 2X2 matrices 
Dim oArray1(1,1) 
Dim oArray2(1,1) 
Dim tArray(1,1) 
tArray(0,0)=oArray1(0,0)+ oArray2(0,0) 
'24    Multiply Two Matrices of size 2X2 
Dim oArray1(1,1) 
Dim oArray2(1,1) 
Dim tArray(1,1) 
tArray(0,0)=oArray1(0,0)* oArray2(0,0)+ oArray1(0,1)* oArray2(1,0) 
tArray(0,1)=oArray1(0,0)* oArray2(0,1)+ oArray1(0,1)* oArray2(1,1) 
tArray(1,0)=oArray1(1,0)* oArray2(0,0)+ oArray1(1,1)* oArray2(1,0) 
tArray(1,1)=oArray1(1,0)* oArray2(0,1)+ oArray1(1,1)* oArray2(1,1) 
'25    Convert a String in to an array 
Dim oStr 
Dim iCounter 
oStr="Quick Test Professional" 
For iCounter=0 to ubound(StrArray) 
        print StrArray(iCounter) 
'26    Convert a String in to an array using ‘i‘ as delimiter 
Dim oStr 
Dim iCounter 
oStr="Quick Test Professional" 
For iCounter=0 to ubound(StrArray) 
        print StrArray(iCounter) 
'27    Find number of words in string 
Dim oStr 
Dim iCounter 
oStr="Quick Test Professional" 
StrArray=split(oStr," ") 
print "Theere are "&ubound(StrArray)+1&" words in the string" 
'28    Write a program to reverse the words of a given string. 
Dim oStr 
Dim iCounter 
oStr="Quick Test Professional" 
StrArray=split(oStr," ") 
For iCounter=0 to ubound(StrArray) 
        print strreverse(StrArray(iCounter)) 
'29    Print the data as a Pascal triangle 
'The formulae for pascal triangle is nCr=n!/(n-r)!*r! 
Dim PascalTriangleRows 
Dim nCr 
Dim NumCount 
Dim RowCount 
PascalTriangleRows = 10 
For NumCount = 0 To PascalTriangleRows 
    toPrint= Space(PascalTriangleRows - NumCount) 
    For RowCount = 0 To NumCount 
            If (NumCount = RowCount) Then 
                    nCr = 1 
                nCr = Factorial(NumCount) / (Factorial(NumCount - RowCount) * Factorial(RowCount)) 
            End If 
     toPrint=toPrint&nCr&" " 
    print toPrint 
Function Factorial(num) 
   Dim iCounter 
    Factorial = 1 
    If num <> 0 Then 
        For iCounter = 2 To num 
            Factorial = Factorial * iCounter 
    End If 
End Function 
'30    Join elements of an array as a string 
Dim oStr 
Dim iCounter 
oStr="Quick Test Professional" 
StrArray=split(oStr," ") 
print join(StrArray," ") 
'31    Trim a given string from both sides 
Dim oStr 
oStr="    QTP    " 
print trim(oStr) 
'32    Write a program to insert 100values and to delete 50 values from an array 
Dim oArray() 
Dim iCounter 
ReDim oArray(100) 
For iCounter=0 to ubound(oArray) 
            'Print total 100 Values 
print "******************************" 
print "******************************" 
ReDim preserve oArray(50) 
For iCounter=0 to ubound(oArray) 
    'Print Values after deleting 50 values 
'33    Write a program to force the declaration of variables 
Option explicit    ' this keyword will enforce us to declare variables 
Dim x 
'Here we get an error because i have not declared y,z 
print z 
'34    Write a program to raise an error and print the error number.  
On Error Resume Next 
Err.Raise 6   ' Raise an overflow error. 
print  ("Error # " & CStr(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description) 
'35    Finding whether a variable is an Array 
Dim oArray() 
if  isarray(oArray) then 
    print "the given variable is an array" 
    print "the given variable is not an array" 
End if 
'36    Write a program to list the Timezone offset from GMT 
Dim objWMIService 
Dim colTimeZone 
Dim objTimeZone 
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2") 
Set colTimeZone = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_TimeZone") 
For Each objTimeZone in colTimeZone 
    print "Offset: "& objTimeZone.Bias  
'37 Retrieving Time Zone Information for a Computer 
Dim objWMIService 
Dim colTimeZone 
Dim objTimeZone 
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2") 
Set colTimeZone = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_TimeZone") 
For Each objItem in colTimeZone 
    print "Bias: " & objItem.Bias 
    print "Caption: " & objItem.Caption 
    print "Daylight Bias: " & objItem.DaylightBias 
    print "Daylight Day: " & objItem.DaylightDay 
    print "Daylight Day Of Week: " & objItem.DaylightDayOfWeek 
    print "Daylight Hour: " & objItem.DaylightHour 
    print "Daylight Millisecond: " & objItem.DaylightMillisecond 
    print "Daylight Minute: " & objItem.DaylightMinute 
    print "Daylight Month: " & objItem.DaylightMonth 
    print "Daylight Name: " & objItem.DaylightName 
    print "Daylight Second: " & objItem.DaylightSecond 
    print "Daylight Year: " & objItem.DaylightYear 
    print "Description: " & objItem.Description 
    print "Setting ID: " & objItem.SettingID 
    print "Standard Bias: " & objItem.StandardBias 
    print "Standard Day: " & objItem.StandardDay 
    print "Standard Day Of Week: " & objItem.StandardDayOfWeek 
    print "Standard Hour: " & objItem.StandardHour 
    print "Standard Millisecond: " & objItem.StandardMillisecond 
    print "Standard Minute: " & objItem.StandardMinute 
    print "Standard Month: " & objItem.StandardMonth 
    print "Standard Name: " & objItem.StandardName 
    print "Standard Second: " & objItem.StandardSecond 
    print "Standard Year: " & objItem.StandardYear 
'38    Write a program to Convert an expression to a date 
Dim StrDate 
Dim actualDate  
Dim StrTime 
Dim actualTime 
StrDate = "October 19, 1962"   ' Define date. 
actualDate = CDate(StrDate)   ' Convert to Date data type. 
print actualDate 
StrTime = "4:35:47 PM"         ' Define time. 
actualTime = CDate(StrTime)   ' Convert to Date data type. 
print actualTime  
'39 Display current date and Time 
print now 
'40    Find difference between two dates. 
'Date difference in Years 
print DateDiff("yyyy","12/31/2002",Date) 
'Date difference in Months 
print DateDiff("m","12/31/2002",Date) 
'Date difference in Days 
print DateDiff("d","12/31/2002",Date) 
'41    Add time interval to a date 
print DateAdd("m", 1, "31-Jan-95") 
'42    Print current day of the week 
Print day(date) 
'43    Find whether current month is a long month 
Dim oCurrentMonth 
Dim ocurrentYear 
Dim oDaysinMonths 
oCurrentMonth = Month(date) 
ocurrentYear = Year(date) 
oDaysinMonths=Day(DateSerial(ocurrentYear, oCurrentMonth + 1, 0)) 
print oDaysinMonths&" Days in Current Month" 
If oDaysinMonths=31 Then 
    print "Current Month is a long month" 
    print "Current Month is not a long month" 
End If 
'44    Find whether given year is a leap year 
'1st Method 
'The rules for leap year: 
'1. Leap Year is divisible by 4    (This is mandotory Rule) 
'2. Leap Year is not divisible by 100 (Optional) 
'3. Leap Year divisble by 400 (Optional) 
Dim oYear 
If ((oYear Mod 4 = 0) And (oYear Mod 100 <> 0) Or (oYear Mod 400 = 0)) then 
    print "Year "&oYear&" is a Leap Year" 
    print "Year "&oYear&" is not a Leap Year" 
End If 
'45.    2nd Method 
' Checking 29 days for February month in specified year 
Dim oYear 
Dim tmpDate 
tmpDate = "1/31/" & oYear 
DaysinFebMonth = DateAdd("m", 1, tmpDate) 
If  day(DaysinFebMonth )=29 then 
    print "Year "&oYear&" is a Leap Year" 
    print "Year "&oYear&" is not a Leap Year" 
End If 
'46    Format Number to specified decimal places 
Dim oNum 
Dim DecimaPlacestobeFormat 
oNum = 3.14159 
print Round(oNum , DecimaPlacestobeFormat)  
'47    Write a program to Generate a Random Numbers 
'This script will generate random numbers between 10 and 20 
Dim rStartRange 
Dim rEndRange 
For iCounter=1 to 10 
    print Int((rEndRange - rStartRange + 1) * Rnd + rStartRange) 
'48    Write a program to show difference between Fix and Int  
'Both Int and Fix remove the fractional part of number and return the resulting integer value. 
'The difference between Int and Fix is that if number is negative, Int returns the first negative integer less than or equal to number, 
'whereas Fix returns the first negative integer greater than or equal to number.  
'For example, Int converts -8.4 to -9, and Fix converts -8.4 to -8. 
print Int(99.8)    ' Returns 99. 
print Fix(99.2)    ' Returns 99. 
print Int(-99.8)   ' Returns -100. 
print Fix(-99.8)   ' Returns -99. 
print Int(-99.2)   ' Returns -100. 
print Fix(-99.2)   ' Returns -99. 
'49    Write a program to  find subtype of a variable 
Dim oVar 
Dim oDatatypes 
print oVartype 
'50    Write a program to print the decimal part of a given number 
Dim oNum 
oDecNum=oNum- int(oNum) 
print oDecNum 

Monday 12 August 2013

UFT/QTP String Functions

concatenation, string, string compare in qtp, string comparison in qtp, String Functions, string manipulation in qtp

String Functions
Len Function
Len : Returns the number of characters in a string or the number of bytes required to store a variable.
 Syntax: Len(string | varname)

 string:  Any valid string expression. If string contains Null, Null is returned.
Varname:  Any valid variable name. If varname contains Null, Null is returned.

Example yu:
1.       Str="Welcome to the World of QTP"
Print Len(Str)         
' Output --> 27

2.       Print  Len("Good Morning") 
' Output--> 12
LCase Function
LCase: Returns a string that has been converted to lowercase.
 Syntax: LCase(string)

 String:  Any valid string expression. If string contains Null, Null is returned.

1.       Str="Welcome to the World of QTP"
Print LCase(Str)
'Output --> welcome to the world of qtp

2.       Print  Lcase("Good Morning")  
'Output --> good morning
UCase Function
Ucase : Returns a string that has been converted to uppercase.
 Syntax: UCase(string)

 String:  Any valid string expression. If string contains Null, Null is returned.

1.       Str="Welcome to the World of QTP"
       Print Ucase(Str)

2.       Print  Ucase("Good Morning")             
       'Output --> GOOD MORNING
Left Function
Left: Returns a specified number of characters from the left side of a string.
Syntax: Left(string, length)


 String:  String expression from which the leftmost characters are returned. If string contains Null, Null is returned.

length:  Numeric expression indicating how many characters to return. If 0, a zero-length string("") is returned. If greater than or equal to the number of characters in string, the entire string is returned.


1.       Str="Welcome to the World of QTP"
print  Left(Str,3)                                                  
'Output --> Wel

2.       Print Left("Good Morning",4)                             
'Output --> Good
Right Function
Right: Returns a specified number of characters from the right side of a string.
 Syntax: Right(string, length)


 String:  String expression from which the rightmost characters are returned. If string contains Null, Null is returned.

length: Numeric expression indicating how many characters to return. If 0, a zero-length 
string is returned. If greater than or equal  to the number of characters in string, the entire string is returned.


1.       Str="Welcome to the World of QTP"
print  Right(Str,12)                                               
'Output --> World of QTP

2.       Print Right("Good Morning",7)                                           
'Output -->  Morning
Mid Function
Mid: Returns a specified number of characters from a string.
 Syntax: Mid(string, start[, length])


 String:  String expression from which characters are returned. If string contains Null, Null is returned.

Start:     Character position in string at which the part to be taken begins. If start is greater than the number of characters in string, Mid returns a zero-length string ("").

length: Number of characters to return. If omitted or if there are fewer than length characters in the text (including the character at start), all characters from the start position to the end of the string are returned.

1.       Str="Welcome to the World of QTP"
print  Mid(Str,9,12)                                           
'Output --> to the World

2.       Print Mid("Good Morning",6,7)                       
'Output --> Morning

3.       Print Mid("Good Morning",6)                       
'Output --> Morning
Replace Function
Replace: Returns a string in which a specified substring has been replaced with another substring a specified number of times.
 Syntax: Replace(expression, find, replacewith[, start[, count[, compare]]])


 expression:  (Required) String expression containing substring to replace.

find: (Required) Substring being searched for.

replacewith: (Required) Replacement substring.

start: (Optional) Position within expression where substring search is to begin. If omitted, 1 is assumed. Must be used in conjunction with count.

count: (Optional) Number of substring substitutions to perform. If omitted, the default value is -1, which means make all possible substitutions. Must be used in conjunction with start.

compare: (Optional) Numeric value indicating the kind of comparison to use when evaluating substrings. See Settings section for values. If omitted, the default value is 0, which means perform a binary comparison.


Str="Welcome to the World of QTP"
print Replace(Str, "to","into")                                                   
'Output -->     Welcome into the World of QTP

Print Replace("Good Morning","Morning","Night")               
'Output -->  Good Night

Print Replace("Quick Test ProfeSsional","s","x",5,3,0)           
'Output -->  k Text ProfeSxional

Print Replace("Quick Test ProfeSsional","s","x",5,3,1)                   
'Output -->    k Text Profexxional

Space Function
Space: Returns a string consisting of the specified number of spaces.
 Syntax: Space(number)


 number: number of spaces you want in the string.

Str="Welcome to the World of QTP"
Str2="to the World"
Str3="of QTP"

 Print  Str1 & Space(2) & Str2 & Space(2) &Str3                   
'Output-->Welcome  to the World  of QTP

Split Function
Split: Returns a zero-based, one-dimensional array containing a specified number of substrings.
 Syntax: Split(expression[, delimiter[, count[, compare]]])


 expression: (Required) String expression containing substrings and delimiters. If expression is a zero-length string, Split returns an empty array, that is, an array with no elements and no data.

delimiter: (Optional) String character used to identify substring limits. If omitted, the space character (" ") is assumed to be the  delimiter. If delimiter is a zero-length string, a single-element array containing the entire expression string is returned.

count:   (Optional) Number of substrings to be returned; -1 indicates that all substrings are returned.

compare: (Optional) Numeric value indicating the kind of comparison to use when evaluating substrings.


'Space as Delimiter
Str="Welcome to the World of QTP"
SArray=Split(Str," ",-1)
For  i= 0 to UBound(SArray)
    Print  SArray(i)

'Comma As Delimitter
For  i= 0 to UBound(SArray)
    Print  SArray(i)
StrComp Function
StrComp: Returns a value indicating the result of a string comparison.
Syntax: StrComp(string1, string2[, compare])


 string1: (Required) Any valid string expression.

string2: (Required) Any valid string expression.

compare:  (Optional) Numeric value indicating the kind of comparison to use when evaluating strings. If omitted, a binary comparison is performed.


Str="Welcome to the World of QTP"
Str1 = "QTP"
Str2 = "qtp"                                  
Print StrComp(Str1, Str2, 1)                          
'Output--> Returns 0 , which means Str1 is equal to Str2 for  textual comparison
Print StrComp(Str1, Str2, 0)                          
'Output--> Returns -1 , which means Str2 is  greater than  Str1 for  Binary comparison

Print StrComp(Str2, Str1)                              
'Output-->Returns 1, which means Str2 is  greater than  Str1 for  Binary comparison
Print StrComp(Str1, Str2)                                
'Output-->Returns -1, which means Str1 is  less than  Str2  for  Binary comparison
StrReverse Function
StrReverse: Returns a string in which the character order of a specified string is reversed.
 Syntax: StrReverse(string1)

 string1: string whose characters are to be reversed. If string1 is a zero-length string (""), a zero-length string is returned. If string1 is Null, an error occurs.


Str="Welcome to the World of QTP"
print  StrReverse(Str)                                
'Output-->PTQ fo dlroW eht ot emocleW

Print  StrReverse("Quick Test ProfeSsional")                 
'Output-->lanoisSeforP tseT kciuQ
LTrim; RTrim; and Trim Functions
LTrim; RTrim; and Trim: Returns a copy of a string without leading spaces (LTrim), trailing spaces (RTrim), or both leading and trailing spaces (Trim).
 Syntax:  LTrim(string)

 string:  The string argument is any valid string expression. If string contains Null, Null is returned.

Print Ltrim("       Welcome to QTP World                 ")            
 'Output-->"Welcome to QTP World

Print Rtrim("           Welcome to QTP World                          ")                   
'Output--> "            Welcome to QTP World"

Print     trim("              Welcome to QTP World               ")               
'Output-->"Welcome to QTP World"
InStr Function
InStr: Returns the position of the first occurrence of one string within another.
 Syntax: InStr([start, ]string1, string2[, compare])


 start:    (Optional) Numeric expression that sets the starting position for each search. If omitted, search begins at the first character position. If start contains Null, an error occurs. The start argument is required if compare is specified.

 string1: (Required) String expression being searched.

string2: (Required) String expression searched for.

compare: (Optional) Numeric value indicating the kind of comparison to use when evaluating substrings.


Str="How do you DO ?"
Print Instr(1, Str, "DO", 1)               
'Output--> 5 , which means  it found the string in 5th position for  textual comparison

Print Instr(1, Str, "DO", 0)               
'Output--> 12 , which means  it found the string in 12th position for binary comparison

Print Instr(6, Str, "do", 0)                   
'Output--> 0 , which means  it  didnot found the string after the 6th position  for binary comparison
InStrRev Function
InStrRev: Returns the position of an occurrence of one string within another, from the end of string.
 Syntax: InStrRev(string1, string2[, start[, compare]])


 string1: (Required) String expression being searched.

string2: (Required) String expression being searched for.

start:  (Optional) Numeric expression that sets the starting position for each search. If omitted, -1 is used, which means that the search begins at the last character position. If start contains Null, an error occurs.

compare: (Optional) Numeric value indicating the kind of comparison to use when evaluating substrings. If omitted, a binary comparison is performed. 

Str="How do you DO ?"

Print InStrRev(Str,"DO",-1,1)               
'Output--> 12 , which means  it found the string in 12th position for  textual comparison

Print InStrRev(Str,"do",-1,0)           
'Output--> 5 , which means  it found the string in 5th position for binary comparison

Print InStrRev(Str,"DO",13,0)           
'Output--> 12 , which means  it found the string in  12th position for binary comparison

Print InStrRev(Str,"DO",10,1)           

'Output--> 5 , which means  it found the string in 5th position for  textual comparison