The below mentioned are the issues in
the Selenium-C#-V"4.0.0-beta4" or in "4.0.0-rc1"
- In the Selenium "4.0.0-beta4" or in "4.0.0-rc1" -C#, the 'ExpectedConditions' method implementation is not provided in the 'OpenQA.Selenium.Support.UI'
Selenium - C# -Issues in all latest browsers
- The drag and drop functionality is not working in all latest browser
- The "CTRL + t :: For opening a new tab" functionality achieved through the Actions class is not working
- The "CTRL + shift + a :: For opening Add-ons tab" functionality achieved through the Actions class is not working
- "ALT + f + x - for closing the tab" functionality achieved through the Actions class
- The "Click And Hold" functionality is not working