Showing posts with label #JMeter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #JMeter. Show all posts

Thursday, 23 May 2024

E2E Product using App Connect Enterprise Integration Of Hospital Management System With Bank and ERP Applications

In this demo series, when an invoice is created in the Hospital Management System, a payment voucher transaction is created and it is reflected in the Insurance ERP application. It is extended, that automatically a payment in Bank application, is made from Insurance company bank account to the Hospital’s bank account, such as the bank fund transfer is performed. Few negative test case scenarios are added and the use case is demoed here. Here the integration test such as the API/Webservice "-ve" scenario is demoed. This demo highlights the importance of testing the developed webservice.


Saturday, 30 March 2024

App Connect Enterprise integration with Azure DevOps

The continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline are best practice for DevOps teams. CI/CD, aims to streamline and accelerate the software development lifecycle. Here the Build and Deployment Pipelines are created in the Azure DevOps.

Whether the code is initially deployed or re-deployment of codebase such as the webservice project is performed, then the Build and Deployment pipelines are triggered and the below mentioned configured tests/validations are performed and the code is promoted to the higher environment.

The below testing types are covered such as
1. Unit Testing
2. Integration Testing (API/Webservices Testing)
3. System Testing (User Interface Testing/ Acceptance Testing)
4. Performance Testing (Non-Functional Testing )

In an enterprise, there are heterogenous applications are present across the landscape, such as C, Java, Python, and Jscript etc., applications with various backend database such as Oracle, MysQL, Sql Server, DB2 etc., here the data communication is versatile, and volume is huge, which are handled by Enterprise Service Bus applications such as IBM App Connect Enterprise, hence development, testing and operation plays a vital role is organizational business success.

E2E Product Using App Connect Enterprise

App Connect Enterprise Non-Functional Testing with JMeter

Performance testing was created with the JMeter. Reports were generated for each test execution. Additionally, the using the ‘Artificial Intelligence’ and ‘Data Science’ custom report were generated and integrated with Azure Pipelines, which provides insight whether the performance have deviation.


App Connect Enterprise integration with ‘ERP’

ERP is a desktop application, and it did not have webservice/API in-built in it. Hence created webservices/API’s for this application to interact with the App Connect Enterprise product. The webservice/Api’s were created successfully, integrated with the App Connect Enterprise middleware product developed. The System Tests such as the User Interface/Acceptance Testing were created, with data and response code validations, such as ‘Voucher’, ‘Patient Name’, ‘Invoice Date’, ‘Total Cost’ and ‘Pay Method’ are validated, whether the Voucher has unique id, data which is send, is correctly transported and registered in the ERP system.

E2E Product Using App Connect Enterprise

App Connect Enterprise integration with ‘Hospital Management System

Use Case: In the Hospital Management System, the Doctor prescribe the medicine ‘Paracetamol’, email send to ‘Pharmacist’, and the ‘Pharmacist’ sells the drug and create an Invoice for the same. These invoice details are transported to ‘ERP’ and Payment gets registered in the ‘Payment Voucher’ module. Here the integration between the Hospital Management System and the ERP application will be validated using the Integration Testing such as the API/Webservices testing.

E2E Product Using App Connect Enterprise

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E2E Product Using App Connect Enterprise Introduction

In this demo series, the E2E product or tool developed, using the App Connect Enterprise, will be exhibited. Use Case details: When an Invoice is created in the ‘Hospital Management System’, the data is enriched, mapped and transported, to the target ‘Mini ERP’ and the invoice details are registered in the ERP, simultaneously the payment to Hospital such as fund transfer Insurance to Hospital Bank account will be performed. Product is developed using App connect Enterprise, which integrates three applications such as ‘Hospital Management System’, 'Bank Application' and ‘Mini ERP’. Here the data will be enriched, mapped and communicated from the source application(Hospital Management System), to the target applications (Mini ERP and Bank Application). The below testing types are covered such as 1. Unit Testing 2. Integration Testing (API/Webservices Testing) 3. System Testing (User Interface Testing/ Acceptance Testing) 4. Performance Testing (Non-Functional Testing ) The operation aspect such as the Build and Deployment pipelines in the Azure DevOps will be demoed