All Things You Should Know About Selenium, REST API, SOAP UI(Groovy), DevOps, UFT/QTP
Sunday, 2 February 2025
Captcha Automation which involves Arithmetic Calculations
Friday, 17 January 2025
Captcha Automation Using Selenium 4 and Java 23
Captcha Automation Using Selenium 4 and Java 23.
- In this demo it is exhibited how to automate the Captcha.
Monday, 22 July 2024
Microsoft’s ‘Blue Screen of Death’ is a scapegoating mechanism or process needs to be enhanced?
is an American cybersecurity firm which specializes in web/cloud based
anti-virus software’s, it possesses advanced threat detection capabilities,
real-time response, and cloud-native architecture.
Microsoft’s ‘Blue Screen of Death’, was caused due to, the CrowdStrike released
update for windows that had a bug.
latest CrowdStrike patch executes in the Kernel mode and monitors system
activities at near to the ground level to monitor the system or server
CrowdStrike latest patch is able to access the invalid memory location, it
generated a ‘Blue Screen of Death’.
It is said
that a recently joined employee in CrowdStrike, as System Administrator,
optimized the code base, such as he just updated a single line of code, which
caused the CrowdStrike security patches in Windows systems or server’s failures,
and he has been now thrown out from his job.
When a
new security patch or release is planned, then first the requirement
refinements would have been planned and conducted.
Next, the
Change Management Board which will analyses these changes and will give a go-
or no-go decision, in both meeting the risks, and impacts which would be
analysed, discussed, and documented in detail.
these requirement, risks and impacts are finalized, the development starts,
here the as employee who developed is new to the organization, during and after
the development, his work and deliverables, would be monitored and will be reviewed
by a senior employee.
The newly
developed security patch would have been tested multiple times during the
development and reviewed by the senior employee or employees and Unit test
cases should have been prepared, in this case, tested the codebase has been
placed on the Infrastructure pipeline.
Next the
team lead, should have, reviewed the work delivered. According to the process
followed in CrowdStrike, Unit test cases or the infrastructure pipeline should have
been created and tested.
Then in the functional testing, manual, automated
regression, non-functional such as security or performance tests, might has
been conducted by the Testing team in the CrowdStrike.
Product Owner or the manager, should have reviewed all the deliverable
including the test results conducted at various level and will approve the new
security patch to the production.
Now from
the Microsoft side, when new security or patch for the Windows or servers, are
delivered by the partners, the intake will be tested, at multiple levels
discussed earlier, and at different product vision such Window 10, 11, Windows
2016 server etc.
Now from
the companies installing or applying the security or patch to their servers or
window machines, should have tested it in their own sandbox.
practice, whenever new patch is released by any vendors in this case Microsoft,
it will be tested in sandboxes, and N-1 patch will be released to all
environment or present in production, and after the through testing Nth version
of patch would be released.
So, to
conclude, CrowdStrike has not reviewed or tested the security patch, Microsoft
has not tested the incoming update from the vendor, the companies who are
implementing the patches have less validated process for installing the patch
and finally one employee who has developed this has been made as a scapegoat
and has been asked to leave.
When a
process fails, it is always good to learn incident and to avoid those scenarios
in future, and improve the process in place, instead of blame gaming and
provide your value thought as review comments.
Friday, 23 September 2022
RPA with UIPath Demo how AI can be used in Stock Buy or Sell Decisions
- How RPA(Robotic Process Automation) with UIPath can be utilized in decsion making with the aid of Artificial Intelligence.
- Live Stock furture data is analyzed and estimate or projection of Stock price is made
Friday, 26 August 2022
Cypress Integration Testing (UI and APIs) demo in Security Testing
- Integration Testing of User Interface and API is demoed
- Security Test cases are automated
- Analyzed the Cypress Dashboard reports
Monday, 27 June 2022
PACT Contract Microservices Testing
This Demo illustrates the PACT Contract Testing of Microservices.
- PACT Contract Testing is demoed on the chosen Microservice
- Different factual test scenarios were explored as part of this demo
- Highlighted the how the cost of bugs detections are reduced and ROI (Return Of Investment) is very high by using the approach